Aloevera Gel | 200 ml

We grow Aloe vera leaves (barbandous ) in churu district of Rajasthan

.Due to extreme variations in climatic temperature the aloe vera plantation is considered to be the best in the world .

In 504 arcs of leased land we produce aloe vera leaves .The crop is cut in the evening between 6 to 7 PM and transported to our manufacturing unit in 15 minute flat .



We grow Aloe vera leaves (barbandous ) in churu district of Rajasthan .Due to extreme variations in climatic temperature the aloe vera plantation is considered to be the best in the world .

In 504 arcs of leased land we produce aloe vera leaves .The crop is cut in the evening between 6 to 7 PM and transported to our manufacturing unit in 15 minute flat .

We extract Aloe vera pulp from these leaves with in one hour and are the one of the very few companies in india to retain the purity and freshness of aloe vera.

We proudly claim to have the best quality products in india where any form of aloe vera is an ingredient of the product and have 98% purity in our aloe vera products. Our purity of the juice can be checked by the Betadine Test carried out by by multinational companies across the world.

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